"Some Big Mystery" is now available on iTunes, Rdio, and Spotify for all you streamers out there. And now that Apple is launching it's new streaming service, I guess I'll have to check into that too. Although, Justin Vernon doesn't seem too thrilled about it.
I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a heavy streamer myself. And while it's true that my music purchasing has gone way down, my music listening and exposure to new music has gone way up. I think the obvious answer lies in paying the artists better royalties per stream. However, that probably means more intrusive advertising and higher subscription rates. So that puts the question back on to the individual. What's it worth to you?
I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a heavy streamer myself. And while it's true that my music purchasing has gone way down, my music listening and exposure to new music has gone way up. I think the obvious answer lies in paying the artists better royalties per stream. However, that probably means more intrusive advertising and higher subscription rates. So that puts the question back on to the individual. What's it worth to you?